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LP托(Wat Changhai)

發表於 2-8-2011 22:31 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
本帖最後由 亞特蘭提斯 於 6-9-2011 22:56 編輯


龍泡脫大師(Wat Changhai)
在泰國南北部有一大德高僧龍泡脫大師(luang pu tuad)踏海水化淡水的神奇事跡,早已傳遍全國內外,無人不知,無人不曉。因此每逢有龍泡脫佛像佛牌供請之時,各方爭相供請,外國善信也不息千里而來,捧為至寶。
(1)崇笛周各唷大師(somdej jao koh yor) (2)崇笛周各艾大師(somdej jao koh yai)
(3)崇笛周莊湯大師(somdej jao jorm thong) (4)崇笛周啪過(somdei jai pha khoh)
當大師七歲時,父母即帶至屈你郎佛廟(wat dee luang)拜崇盼莊大師(somparn juang)為師,寄居佛廟中,進修讀書。套師聰敏過人,學業進走極快,至十五歲時,崇盼莊大師為其主持剃度為沙彌即小和尚,並在屈詩讓佛廟進修佛典。直至屆出家年齡便正式成為僧侶,進修完畢後,便乘船到大城皇城,繼續求學,當船開了不久途經一佛塔,船主便請大師一同上岸,原來每次航行遠程前,都會在這裏的佛塔祈求平安,然後再登上帆船,航行三日三夜。一天,忽然遇到狂風暴雨,巨浪怒捲,船主急忙扯下帆與巨浪搏鬥,在海中飄流三日三夜,直至風平浪靜,始告脫險,但此時船上淡水已用完,無水可飲用,就在些時船主,竟遷怒是大師一同乘船,以致遭遇到此種從未遇過的天災,在暴怒下,船主竟備一扁舟,要大師馬上離開。當大師無可奈何下了小舟後,把足跨出船外,踏入水中,並叫船員,把大師踏在水中的腳周圍海水,覓起試試其鹹度,說也奇怪,船員把海水試後,卻覺得水是淡的。連忙大叫眾人來試飲,眾人用盛器將淡的海水覓上船飲用,船主聞訊也親自來試飲,發覺大師腳的周圍,水是淡的,但出此範圍又是鹹水,於是盛滿淡水,以備航行需要,又鑒於大師法力高強,不敢迨慢,趕快把大師迎回大船跪拜求恕罪,於是繼續航行終於到達皇城,到達皇城後大師便到城牆外一所佛寺繼續修行。
大師這次回到家鄉在屈啪過佛廟(wat pha khoh)註錫,受到遠近民眾之崇敬,熱烈歡迎。後來大師因重建佛廟,再到皇城籌措經費,這次受到皇帝之崇敬,恩准劃賜土地予重建佛廟,並將地界內的人民,也交由佛廟管轄。

Luang Phor Thuad was born 1582 in Suan Chan Village, Chumphol Dustrict, Sathing Phra in Songkla (Southern Thailand). His parent were Mr. Hu and Mdm. Chan, a poor couple living in the place of Shrentthi Pan, the wealthy landlord. His parents name their child as ‥PU〃 (meaning crab). One
day his parent took PU ((Luang Phor Thuad) was less than 6 months old) out to the rice field and before going to the field the made a cradle by hanging a cloth between two trees for the child to sleep in. After sometime out in the field working, Chan turned around to check out her baby and to her surprise she saw a large snake curled up around the childˇs cradle. Chan cried loudly
in fright and those in the distance as well as Hu quickly rush to check out what was happening.

They found out that a snake had curled up around their baby and was observed by others. To their surprise, the snake did not harm their child. With the old belief that this snake might be the Buddhaˇs created vision, they prayed to the snake and offered flowers and rice cake. The snake then uncurl itself, spit out a Crystal Translucent Gem and left the child. In astonishment, the baby was still asleep with a crystal gem that emits rainbow colors beside his neck. The crystal gem was properly kept and given back to PU when he was grown up. Even today, the crystal ball is still installed as Wat Phra Kho in Songkla with many stories of its miracles.

When PU(Luang Phor Thuad) was seven years old, he was send to stay with Abbot Chuang, his Bikkhu uncle, at Wat Kudi Luang and further his primary school studies there. Then at 15 he was ordained as a novice monk and lived with Phra Khru Saddhammarangsi at Wat Sri Ku-Yang (at present in Ranod,
Songkla). At the age of 20, he was ordained as a monk by same as his preceptor. ‥Samiramo〃 the Buddhist name (Chaya) was given to the new monk.Three years of his monkhood under the guidance of Phra Khru Ka Derm, he studied Dhamma and bali Language till its basic introductory is completed. Later on, he wanted to further his studies of Buddhist scriptures in Ayudhya. After obtaining permission to leave from his preceptor, accompanied by Mr. Inn the passenger ship owner and they left for Ayudhya. Three days after sailing off the open sea, suddenly storm and rough sea starts to rock the boat. The boat had to be anchored till the sea becomes calm before proceeding with their journey again. During this hard times, theyˇd
consumes all of the fresh water as well as foods. Out of anger and frustration, other passengers on board including the owner vented their anger by blaming and cursing Bikkhu PU and exclaimed that heˇd brought to them bad luck and wanted to expel him down from the ship.

Then Bikkhu PU rose and others look on, he dipped his foot into the sea to draw a circle. Then he told the sailor to fetch fresh drinking water from the sea from where heˇd circled with his feet. The sailor then perform what was told and tasted the water himself, after satisfying his doubts and found to be drinkable like normal fresh water. Soon after sufficient fresh water were collected and stored for the rest of the journey, they proceed with their interrupted journey. After realizing the ability of Bikkhu PU, all on board kneeled down to beg their pardon from him, and the owner invited him to use the boat again on his next trip. When arrived to Ayudhya, Mr. In took Bikkhu PU to reside in Wat Khae and offered Nai Chan, his servant to follow Bikkhu PU as his close assistant. After business is done by Mr. In, he left and sailed back to where heˇd came from.In Ayudhya while Bhikkhu PU had studied Buddhist scriptures at Wat Lumbalinavas. During that time
the King of Sri Lanka are challenging with the King of Siam to translate all of the golden alphabets into the Buddhist Scriptures to the correct order within seven days. If all the requested be met and finished in time, the King of Sri Lanka would then give all of the treasures transported in seven boats to the King of Siam as prize. Otherwise the King of Siam will have to pay to the king of Sri Lanka he failed.

The King then summoned those learned monks and persons within the capital city a Ayudhya, no one could meet with this challenge. Six days of anxiety of the King had passed. At last it was known that a young Bhikkhu named PU or Samiramo with great abilities, and was summoned to translate all of the golden alphabets into the Buddhist Scriptures to the correct order. The young monk went to the assembly, paying his respect to Maha Sangha and King, then encountered with seven Brahmins from Sri Lanka.
Bhikkhu PU (Luang Phor Thuad) started to rearrange the golden seeds into the Dhamma according to Buddhist texts with no difficulties. The 84,000 units of the golden seeds were all used up except seven seeds left missing. They were Sarn (Dhamma-sangani), Vi (Vibhanga), Dha (Dhatukotha), Pu
(PUggala-pannatti), Ka (Kathavatthu), Ya (Yamaka) and Pa (Patthana) which are the heart of the seven scriptures of Abhidhamma Pitako. The young monk turned to the seven Brahmins and asked if they had
kept the missing golden seeds. When they were given, the complete rearrangement of golden seeds into Buddhist scripture of Abhidhamma was finished on the 7th day, the Brahmins as the Ambassadors of King Sri Lanka had then given all the treasures of 7 boats to the young monk but he turned
everything away and gave them all to the King.

Being favorite to King Ekadasaroth of Ayudhya with his knowledge and wisdom, Bhikkhu PU had been bestowed upon the Sangha title of "Somdej Phra Rajamuni Samiramagunupamacarya" the most higher rank ever given to any other wondering monk before in the country.Somdej Phra Rajamuni Samiramagunupamacarya or Luang Pu Thuat had stayed in Ayudhya to have advised to the King many ways till his old age and then asked for permission from the King to go back his home town. The King had permitted with a promise to give all the supports requested by Luang Pu Thuat in turns of his virtuous deeds. When Luang Phor Thuad was back to Wat Phra Khoh, he found the Wat mostly ruined and thus sent a message requesting the support to restore the temple to the King.

King Ekadasaroth was pleased to respond to Luang Phor Thuad needs, he gave all supports to the said monastery and graciously issued the Royal Degree on Dedication of Land and People of about 250 families nearby Wat Phra Khoh as beneficial temple. The Royal Decree was later successive to Wat Khian possession and given to prince Damrong Rajanubhab in 1913. At present the document was kept in the National Library in Bangkok.

Luang Phor Thuad had spent his life spreading the Dhamma for benefiting the people without impartiality.
Lastly, he took leave from Wat Phra Khoh along with a young novice to preach Dhamma and helped people
at various places in the South up to Malaysia, Singapore and Sri Lanka. His second permanent residence
was at Wat Changhai, Pattani. His date of passing away was not certain.
Through his supernatural power and miraculous virtues, Luang Pu Thuad manifest through vision and
dream seeking to produce the first amulet of him initiated in Wat Changhai 1954. Amulets of Luang Phor
Thuad have shown many miracles to individuals carrying it. From there onwards, many batches of his
amulet pendants were produced.

發表於 2-8-2011 23:06 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 4-8-2011 01:46 | 顯示全部樓層
{:6_330:}very good
發表於 10-2-2012 13:50 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 3-3-2012 23:59 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 28-3-2012 15:42 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 19-4-2012 12:52 | 顯示全部樓層
thanks for sharing
發表於 8-7-2012 00:26 | 顯示全部樓層
發表於 28-7-2012 00:54 | 顯示全部樓層
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